Because for the most termites live underground and in the walls of your North Tustin home, it is unlikely that you will see the termites themselves.
Because it is unlikely to see termites around your North Tustin property, it is recommended to look for the following signs:
» Look for Termite droppings, which look like wood-colored pellets, small and ridged. Drywood termite droppings, called frass, may look like sawdust or coffee grounds which are typically hexagonal in shape. The color of the droppings could vary depending on the wood type they consume. Termites can also use droppings as protection by sealing colony galleries from potential intruders. Termite waste can also be found in mounds or trails. If you find mound of pellets, they may be coming from a small opening where termites live.
» Mud tubes on exterior surface. These tubes made of dirt extend over floor joists, foundation members, support piers or walls alike. These tubes resemble the diameter of a pencil or may be bigger, and contain small particles of dried soil. Termites workers use these tubes to travel from their underground colonies to their feeding grounds, which may be in your North Tustin home. A sunken space behind wall coverings or a wall's rippled appearance may be an indication of these pathways. Tubes can be opened and examined for the presence of worker termites, which are creamy white in appearance.
» Wings all of the same size (look like tiny fish scales) shredded near an entry point to your home.
Since some of these signs are difficult to detect, we recommend to schedule a FREE TERMITE INSPECTION in North Tustin.
Most North Tustin homeowners as everywhere else, see their first home as their single largest investment. With the average termite damage in North Tustin increasing yearly, termites are a major threat to your North Tustin investment. In addition, homes in North Tustin are usually not covered by insurance plans for the treatment or repairs due to termites in North Tustin.
» Eliminate any moisture emitted by A/C units by installing proper piping for excess runoff and fix any home fixtures prone to leaking near your North Tustin home.
» Make sure all drainage locations near walls remain clean and efficient as to prevent damage to walls.
» Seal any cracks in the foundation and around utility lines or pipes.
» Maintain plants and mulch around your home.
» Store firewood and lumber away from your North Tustin home.
» Remove excess wood, tree stumps or yard debris.
» Install correct sized screens on exterior vents of your North Tustin home to prevent termites access.
» Periodically check your outdoor wooden structures for signs of termite infestation in North Tustin.
Bell Termite Control offers FREE Inspections in North Tustin
Homeowners and Realtors order a Free Termite & Pest Inspection Order FREE Inspection in North Tustin
Call your local BellTermite branch office in North Tustin, CA and set up a free termite inspection of your home or business by one of our qualified termite inspectors. BellTermite will provide a customized termite and pest treatment plan that fits your needs for your North Tustin property.
Don’t let termites destroy your North Tustin home. Call or fill out the form for a free inspection.
If you are constantly checking your social media accounts then you may have more in common with termites than you think.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, termites constantly stay in touch with their colonies, and communicate using vibrations, physical contact and chemical signals such as smell.
Yes. there are three common termite sounds that you might hear mainly if you have a termite infestation. Those sounds are:
» A dry rattle
» A papery rustling
» The hollow sound heard when wood is tapped
While the first two sounds are physically caused by termites in action, the last comes from hollow voids left in the wood by termites as they eat through your home.
When termites are disturbed or threatened, they communicate by banging their heads on the walls of their tunnels creating a dry rattling that humans can hear. Termites, cannot hear like we can but they can react to vibrations, physical contact, and chemical signals like odor. For an example of the rattling sound termites make, click here.
This sound is produced when termites tunnel near the surface of wood which can cause a papery rustling sound as the insects move.
These noises that termites make are rarely heard because they are very faint. In most cases you would need a stethoscope to hear termites working away at your home. Therefore, by tapping the surface of the wood near the termite damage, you will hear a hollow sound which is the most reliable way for detecting termite damage as there is wood missing in that area. This hollow sound is only one evidence in the puzzle needed to confirm termite infestation.
If tapping on the wood in your North Tustin home produces a hollow sounding tone, you may have termites.
» Mud like tunnels, usually vertical, among the foundation of the interior or exterior walls.
» Termite wings.
» Swarmers or flying termites appearing in the house, particularly near light sources.
» Worker: wingless,light colored, 1/8 inch long
» Soldier: the head is elongated with mandibles.
» Supplementary Reproductives: light colored with no wings or very short
» Primary Reproductives: most often seen, winged, and darker than the other three castes These are also called swarmers.
» Drywood termites are larger (up to 1/2 inch long) than the Subterranean termite.
» Drywood termites diet is wood and other cellulose material, such as paper, cardboard, etc.
The presence of termites in your home or under your home is a serious problem and should be treated by a professional pest control operator in North Tustin. Due to the many different factors involved we feel a professional would serve your needs better in many cases than doing it yourself. Call BellTermite for a FREE Termite Inspection in North Tustin, CA
The BellTermite advantage against pest infestation in North Tustin
Our trained termite and pest control professionals can detect existing infestations and help you prevent future termite and pest infestations in North Tustin, CA.
When you ring the bell, we provide the service with:
» Industry leading technology and experience
» 5 star rating customer satisfaction for termite and pest control service
» Expert training in all areas of termite and pest control in North Tustin,CA
These little bugs have a purpose in nature and that is to digest wood and other cellulose material including breaking down dead trees and vegetation. Which is great until they start eating your home in North Tustin.
There are three termite types to worry about in the United States. Knowing these types might help you know where to inspect for termites in your North Tustin home.
This type of termites will build their colonies underground as they need contact with soil to maintain their moisture levels. A regular source of moisture is vital for subterranean colony’s survival.
Subterranean termites are the most common type in the United States. There are numerous species of subterranean termites, one of the most aggressive and destructive species are Formosan termites. They can form a carton nest above ground, limiting their need for ground contact.
Formosan termites were first identified in California, in 1992.
Think you have a subterranean termite problem in your North Tustin home?
Click here to schedule a FREE Termite Inspection in North Tustin Order FREE Inspection in North Tustin
Call your local BellTermite branch office in North Tustin, CA and set up a free termite inspection of your home or business by one of our qualified termite inspectors. BellTermite will provide a customized termite and pest treatment plan that fits your needs for your North Tustin property.
Don’t let termites destroy your North Tustin home. Call or fill out the online form for a free termite inspection in North Tustin.
This type of termites colonize in wood above ground. Unlike subterranean termites, they don’t need contact with soil to survive
This type of termites are also common in North Tustin and typically live in damp and decaying wood. This species is less likely to damage structures than subterranean and drywood termites. They require regular contact with water as well as a high humidity level to survive. Dampwood termites are the largest in size of the three types.
Learn more about: Dampwood Termites - We are here to help you, feel free to give us a call at (714) 660-7046
Termites are social insects and live in colonies performing specific roles. Termites play the following roles in colonies; some are workers, some are soldiers, others reproductives and even queens.
As a termite colony in North Tustin matures and grows, it may release winged males and females called swarmers. The purpose of swarmers is to settle, shed their wings and form a new colony.
Swarming season occurs in late spring through fall depending on the species and geographic location.
Your eyes are your home’s first defense. Keeping a watch for any signs of a possible termite infestation in your North Tustin home can help ensure termites don’t take a big bite out of your wallet.
If you think termites might be in your North Tustin home or to ensure they never get a chance call BellTermite today (714) 660-7046 or schedule your FREE Termite Inspection online.
It helps to understand ways termites in North Tustin might get into your home. That way, you can find and control any at risk areas where termite infestation in North Tustin might occur.
These insects only need a small crack (1/32 inch wide) to enter a building or home. Here are four ways they sneak in:
» Through cracks in a wall, openings around plumbing or cracks in the foundation
» Through expansion joints or hollow block walls
» Along the side of foundation walls or piers
It is important to understand what termites are looking for to be able to efficiently stop them.
When it comes to termites feeding, they are looking for anything that contains cellulose. Most often, that is wood, cardboard, paper, carpet or cloth, which might draw their attention. Moisture is also something that termites need to help prevent their bodies or their colony from possibly dying out.
Two termite control steps you can take to help decrease the chances of termites in North Tustin settling on your property are:
1. Removing potential food sources
2. Eliminating moisture problems like moisture buildup in and around your home
Also, a common entry point is through cracks in the foundation of your home. If you see any cracks, fill them with caulk and monitor them closely for signs of termite mud tunnels.
Taking these precautions will help you lower your chances of accidentally attracting termites to your home. Nevertheless, there is not a substitute for effective termite control when provided by trained termite specialist.
Bell Termite Control offers FREE Inspections in North Tustin
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If you have found termites, bugs or pests in your North Tustin home, you may want to look into having your home fumigated by professionals. Here is what you need to know about fumigation preparation.
For predominantly bad termite or pests infestations in North Tustin, fumigation may be a necessary step to effectively treat your home. While gas fumigant is poisonous to household pests and humans if used improperly, it is very important to take proper precautions prior to fumigating your North Tustin home.
Here are some suggestions in preparation for fumigation and tenting takes over your North Tustin home.
You and your family will not have access to enter the house once fumigation begins, so arrange for a place to stay for two or three nights. Talk to the fumigator ahead of time to be sure the schedule of events is clear to everyone. Pets, including fish, will also need to be out of the house as well as any house plants.
For effectiveness, allow the fumigant to pass through every space. Keep cabinets, drawers, closets open, including appliances and safes should be left open. If it has a door, it will be best to keep it open. Also, raise all the blinds and drapes on your windows to allow the fumigator easy access. By doing this you can ensure proper fumigation to all parts of your North Tustin home.
It is recommended that all consumables such as medicine, pet food, tobacco and dental products be moved off site to prevent any possible contamination when fumigating your home in North Tustin. If moving these items off-site is not an option you could double-sealed them in special Nylofume bags, ask your fumigator about this option. Only products in unopened bottles, jars or cans with the original seal intact do not require removal or double-bagging.
Not sure if you have a termite problem in your North Tustin home?
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Moving back gravel or mulch about a foot away from the structure will benefit the fumigation process allowing a better seal for the tent placed over your structure. Also, and where feasible, you might need to move away from the structure any plats that could obstruct the fumigation tent.
Your North Tustin fumigator will need access to all parts of the house and will be responsible to lock up when finished. No person can enter your home for any reason due to the chemicals used. Therefore you must wait until it has been cleared and released for re-entry by the North Tustin fumigator. Check with your North Tustin fumigator for detailed instructions on returning to your home once the process is complete. They will help make sure the transition is easy and safe.
For more information on preparing for fumigation in North Tustin, download this guide.
Don’t let termites destroy your North Tustin home. Call or fill out the online form for a free termite inspection in North Tustin.
You will need to make plans for staying out and away from your home during the fumigation and during the aeration period. While preparation usually takes two to three hours, the fumigation and aeration periods normally take two to three days and nights. Your BellTermite pest control professional will inform you of the amount of time needed for your fumigation and any other precautions and actions you will need to take.
In order to complete the above steps listed, there are a few items you will need in preparations for fumigating your home in North Tustin, CA.
These should be gathered ahead of time the fumigation day, so that you are not held up in the middle of your preparations because you are unable to complete a step.
» Plastic dishes with lids to store foods.
» Plastic bins and totes for linens and non-perishables.
» Plastic covers or sheets to protect mattresses and children's furniture.
» Garden shears.
» Garden rake.
» Garden hose with outdoor bib or hookup.
» Pliers and hammer.
» Flashlight.
» Keys to all locked household areas/items.
» Lodging for at least 2 days for the family and any pets.
Preparing for a tent fumigation is not easy, but the method can be the best way to ensure the termites are eradicated. Always do your homework before selecting a pest control service and follow the Top 12 Considerations in Hiring a Pest Control Professional.
When termites swarm, they leave their colony in search of a new home. Unfortunately, that new home could be your home in North Tustin. Discover more about termites.
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Subterranean termites in North Tustin usually swarm at the beginning of spring, after a rain event and as the weather begins to warm. They are a group of termites looking to begin a new colony. Not all termite species will swarm during the same time but for termites in North Tustin to swarm, the weather must be warm and will often be following a rain.
Another factor that triggers termites to swarm is the maturity of a termite colony. There is no specific age at which a termite colony swarms, but subterranean termite colonies in North Tustin and California typically do not produce a swarm until they are at least three years old.
The purpose of termite swarming season in North Tustin is to begin new colonies. As a colony matures, it begins to produce alate nymphs (winged ) that will develop into swarmers. Swarmers fly from the colony then pair up with a mate as they search for a suitable location to start a new colony. After their wings drop off, the pair will mate.
The female member from these new partnerships will become the queen of her new colony. The queen termite will lay her eggs which in due time will hatch and become workers in the colony. Some of the young termites will develop into soldiers and will be tasked with defending the termite queen and the other members of the termite colony.
The termite queen has the ability to lay over a million eggs over her lifetime. Besides the termite queen being able to lay numerous amount of termite eggs, there are other reproductive termites called secondary reproductives, but the primary queen is principally responsible for laying eggs as long as she lives. It is not until the termite queen dies that one of the secondary reproductives may take her place.
Termite swarmers can easily be confused with swarmer ants, therefore your must get close to tell a difference. The fastest way to notice swarmer ants apart from swarmer termites is by looking at their wings. Termite swarmers have two pairs of wings that are the same in length, a swarmer ant's has one pair of wings shorter than the other pair. If you find winged insects swarming in your North Tustin home, call in an BellTermite and Pest Control expert in North Tustin for a FREE Termite and Pest inspection to identify the pest and the extent of the problem, whether it's termite season or not.
Learn about the factors that determine how often you need termite treatment in North Tustin.
Termite treatments in North Tustin are an important part of protecting your home from a North Tustin termite infestation and damage. Along with yearly inspections, pest management professionals in North Tustin use various treatment methods to safeguard your investment. But how often do you actually need these North Tustin termite and pest treatments performed? Here’s what you need to know:
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A: A number of factors determine how often you need termite treatments in North Tustin. These include the experience of the pest management professional you hire and the thoroughness of their treatment, how accessible your structure and property are for applying treatment, and the density of termite colonies in your region. A technician will evaluate your North Tustin property and explain the details of any treatment required during your termite inspection in North Tustin.
A: liquid termite treatments can prevent termites from entering parts of your North Tustin home for a few years, depending on the efficiency of the termite treatment application. This does not mean that termites will not enter your home. Therefore, it is recommended to schedule yearly termite inspections in North Tustin. Schedule a FREE termite inspection in North Tustin from a reputable termite inspection company in North Tustin. BellTermite provides expert termite and pest protection for your North Tustin home, providing peace of mind that any termites that crawl through the treated areas such as soil won’t be crawling for long.
A: Termite bait stations need monitoring and maintenance throughout the entire year. Bait stations need to be strategically placed around your structure or home in North Tustin. Termites will find the bait stations as they forage thus taking the bait and bringing it back to their colonies. Using termite bait stations will reduce your risk of termites as baits need to be monitored by periodic inspection. Your termite bait inspection schedule will be determined by termite activity and evidence found along with environmental conditions for termites in North Tustin.
A: Ridding a home of termites requires special skills. A knowledge of building construction is needed to identify the critical areas where termites are likely to enter. Many of these potential points of entry are hidden and difficult to access. North Tustin Termite control also utilizes specialized equipment such as masonry drills, pumps, large-capacity tanks, and soil treatment rods. A typical treatment in North Tustin may involve hundreds of gallons of a liquid pesticide, known as a termiticide, injected into the ground alongside the foundation, beneath concrete slabs, and within foundation walls.
In short, termite treatment is a job for professional fumigators. A possible exception would be if a mailbox post, sandbox or other small wooden object not attached to the house was infested. "Do-it-yourself" products, sold to homeowners at retail stores or bought over the internet, will seldom eradicate an existing termite problem.
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A: These are complex questions. The North Tustin pest control company should be licensed by the Department of Agriculture or agency responsible for regulating termite control in North Tustin, Ca. Membership in their state pest control association and/or National Pest Management Association suggest the company is an established North Tustin firm with access to technical and training information needed to do the job correctly. As with any service company in North Tustin, references are invaluable. Consider calling at least 2-3 companies in North Tustin. Requesting inspections and estimates from more than one North Tustin pest company will help verify the existence of a termite problem and allow you to compare services.
Companies offer different types of treatment methods and warranties in North Tustin. If termites happen to return, most will retreat the affected area(s) at no additional charge. Some North Tustin pest control companies will also repair damage occurring subsequent to their treatment, although dating onset of damage is a hard thing to determine. In some cases, no warranty will be offered if wells, cisterns, subslab heating ducts, drainage systems, or inaccessible crawl spaces make it impossible to treat in accordance with industry standards for your North Tustin property.
Take your time when selecting a pest treatment company in North Tustin. Termites damage wood slowly; the amount of damage caused by taking an additional day, week, or month to make an informed decision generally is insignificant. Avoid firms that try to pressure you into signing a contract immediately with "specials" or scare tactics. The overall quality of the job depends less on the sales person than on the individual who does the work. A safe and effective pest treatment requires an experienced technician, not someone who was hired a few weeks ago.
Request a FREE termite inspection.
A: Another challenging question. There are two general categories of termite treatment, liquids and baits. Soil-applied liquid termiticides have been around for decades. Their purpose is to provide a long-lasting chemical barrier that excludes termites in the ground from entering buildings in North Tustin. In most cases, termites in the structure die off as well, since they cannot return to the soil. Most former products were repellent rather than lethal to termites foraging in the soil. Newer materials, such as Premise® (imidacloprid), Termidor® (fipronil), and Phantom® (chlorfenapyr), are non-repellent and termites tunneling into the treatment zone are killed. Overall the non-repellent products are proving to be more reliable in their ability to resolve termite problems in the first attempt. All registered termiticides (both repellent and non-repellent) can be effective, however, homeowners should not base their purchasing decision on a product alone.
The other broad treatment category is baiting. Termite baits consist of paper, cardboard, or other palatable food, combined with a slow-acting substance lethal to termites. The baits are installed below ground out in the yard in cylindrical plastic stations. Others are sometimes placed indoors over active mud tubes. Foraging termites consume the bait and share it with their nestmates, resulting in a gradual decline in termite numbers. On some properties, baits may constitute the only form of treatment; on others, they may be combined with liquid applications to areas where termites are observed.
Termite baiting is a very complex subject. For further information, see our entomology extension publications,Termite Baits: A Guide for Homeowners in North Tustin. Regardless of which method or product is selected, it's important to have an experienced technician, backed by a responsible pest control firm in North Tustin.
A: Subterranean termite colonies may contain hundreds of thousands of individuals, foraging in many different directions. For the homeowner, localized or "spot" treatments are generally a gamble except in cases of retreatment. Most reputable pest control firms in North Tustin will not warranty spot treatments, since it's likely that termites will eventually find other points of entry into your in North Tustin structure.
Some in North Tustin pest control companies may offer to do a so-called "perimeter" treatment, using one of the non-repellent liquid termiticides (Termidor, Premise, etc.). Typically this will involve a thorough application around the entire outside foundation wall of the building, and spot-treating any infested or high-risk interior areas. If the in North Tustin homeowner is considering such a treatment, they should inquire whether it will be accompanied by a service agreement in case termites return. (Service renewal agreements usually state that if termites return, the company will return and retreat the affected areas at no additional charge provided the renewal agreement is maintained.) It's a bit of a gamble to purchase any termite treatment option without an ongoing service agreement.
A: All liquid termiticides are supposed to control termites for at least five years when applied according to label directions. The actual length of control on a given structure will depend on such factors as thoroughness of the application, environmental conditions, and density of termites in the area. If termites swarm again and continue to be a problem the year after treatment, it's usually not from degradation of the termiticide — but because termites have found an untreated gap in the chemical barrier.
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A: Termiticides are tested extensively for adverse effects on health. Before a product can be used, numerous studies are conducted by the manufacturer and independently evaluated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Based on the current body of knowledge, registered termiticides pose no significant hazard to humans, pets or the environment when applied according to label directions. Despite the negligible health risk from a properly performed termite treatment, people with lingering concerns should consult their physician. Most of the newer liquid products have essentially no odor. North Tustin clients who are still apprehensive may want to consider having their home treated with baits.
A: Not necessarily. Unlike other services such as plumbing or electrical work, termite control involves living creatures. The best treatments performed by knowledgeable firms may fail at times, when termites find their way through tiny, untreated gaps in the soil. While the intent is to establish a continuous, impenetrable chemical barrier, this is all but impossible to achieve in actual practice. In the case of baits, it may take several months for termites to initially find the below-ground installations and several months more to achieve control.
The key is to hire a reputable North Tustin pest control firm employing experienced, conscientious technicians. Companies will return and retreat affected area(s) at no additional charge provided the service agreement is purchased and maintained
See also Protecting your home against termites in North Tustin
The following links are some of the many resources which are available to answer home owners questions related to;
Protecting your home against termites
» Termite Control and Termite Baits
» Lawn and Garden Care
» Pest Control and Termites.
» Maintenance and Prevention.
Pest Notes (such as Lawn Diseases and Lawn Insects).
This database supplies the University of California's official guidelines for pest monitoring techniques, pesticides, and nonpesticide alternatives for managing pests in homes and landscapes. Spanish edition (Notas Breves en español) is also available.
Termite Baits: A Guide for Homeowners. No structural pest causes more confusion than termites. Most homeowners have little knowledge of these troublesome insects, and what it takes to get rid of them. Our understanding of termites has progressed considerably in recent years.
Protecting your home against termites. Know what can be done to protect their home from termites or if a certain practice or condition is likely to cause termite problems. Homeowners can reduce the risk of termite attack by following the suggestions listed. Additional Information.
Gardening Web Site
The Statewide Master Gardener Program has developed a new Web site for California's home gardeners. This site will be the UC gardening portal, extending UC research-based information about gardening, landscapes, lawns and insect or pest prevention and maintenance of techniques for gardens. The site focuses on sustainable gardening practices and uses a question and answer format.
UC Guide to Healthy Lawns
The UC Guide to Healthy Lawns is designed for home gardeners and managers of parks, school grounds, and other low-maintenance turf. The sections include choosing and identifying turf species, preparing a site to plant turf, lawn care for both new and established lawns, lawn renovation, and pest management.
UC Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) Turf and Lawns Publications
UC ANR Communication Services produces a variety of practical, research-based educational media -- publications, videos, slide presentations, interactive distance learning, audio recordings and electronic multimedia relevant to Pest and Disease Management. This link will take you directly to the turf and lawn section of the UC ANR catalog.
Caring for your home or commercial property is our business. We're not satisfied until you're satisfied. So, if you have a pest control problem between treatments, we'll keep coming back until it's solved or we'll refund your last service payment. Bell Termite Control's guaranteed service is second to none. We have over 15 years experience, and over 75 thousand satisfied customers to prove it
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To find out more about Insects, Pests, Termites, Birds and related information for control, management and prevention of infestation Click Here - or for additional detailed Pest Notes Click Here
A bug and insect Identification Guide
Additional FREE Literature on Pest Control Management
Commercial Insect and Mite Control for Trees, Shrubs and Flowers
Insect Pest Management For Organic Crops
Invisible Itches: Insect and Non Insect Causes
Manage Insects on Your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies
Reduced Pest Control Fact Sheet using Kaolin Clay (eg.) Apples Trees
Bell Termite Control Inc. proudly uses the following Termite and Pest Control Products:
Termidor ® termiticide / insecticide is 100% effective at controlling 100% of termites in three months or less - a statement no other termite control product can make. That's why since its introduction in 2000, pest management professionals have made Termidor America's leading termite control, with over 3 million structures treated.
Termidor eliminates termites by both ingestion and contact, and is lethal to termites simply through contact with other Termidor-tainted individuals. And because Termidor is a non-repellent - undetectable to termites - the pests freely forage through treated areas, unknowingly ingesting, picking up and transferring Termidor throughout the population. It's the product's unique "Transfer Effect™," allowing Termidor to achieve 100% control of termite populations at the very low rate of just 0.06% active ingredient.
The results for Termidor speak for themselves - more than one million homes treated in just three years. And in ten-plus years of concrete slab testing, as well as seven-plus years of testing on ground boards, (including USDA Forest Service testing for both) Termidor has repeatedly been 100% effective on subterranean termites (including Formosans) in all states at all labeled rates - even the most challenging situations, climates and environments. That's a perfect score on every test, a performance record no other termite control can match. Plus, Termidor is now labeled for control of drywood termites, with both field and lab trials demonstrating outstanding drywood control at the 0.06% labeled rate
The industry-changing effectiveness of Termidor has shifted the outlook of so many pest management professionals, giving them the confidence to take on termite work without fear of frequent callbacks or costly damage repair costs. Termidor users are saving a small fortune thanks to declines in retreat and labor costs, as well as overall customer retention. You simply can't find a better termite control for your business.
Premise ® termite control termiticide from Bayer Environmental Science provides immediate protection from termites like no other product. Termites are eliminated as they ingest or contact Premise in a treated soil area around the perimeter of a building or other timber structure.
Premise ® was first released for use in the public arena in the USA more than 7 years ago – it is the original non-repellant termiticide (discussed below). Premise has since built a solid reputation as a reliable long term termite control product with virtually no serious problems encountered in the market place.
Since Premise ® is a non-repellent, termites can’t detect it; instead, they come directly in contact with the active ingredient—imidacloprid. Most of the other commonly used pre-treat termiticide products are repellent, which means that termites avoid treated areas, but continue to search for gaps in the treatment from which they can attack the structure.
The Bayer Written Guarantee of Protection: Bayer is so confident of the effectiveness of its Premise product, that they provide a written guarantee to termite controllers in the USA who fully treat the soil areas at the base of a structure as per the Premise label requirements.
Part of the Bayer terms and conditions of such a guarantee states in effect “if Premise fails to stop termites at any time within seven years of initial treatment, Bayer will reimburse up to 100% of product and labor costs involved in retreatment to a maximum of $1000 for residential accounts and $5000 for commercial accounts. Bayer will also guarantee to pay the termite controller's damage claim insurance deductible up to $500 per structure”.
It is a condition of this guarantee that annual inspections are carried out by the same company installing the Premise termiticide soil treatment. Full details are available from your Bell Termite authorized Premise termiticide applicators or schedule a FREE consultation today.
Phantom ® is an indoor/outdoor termiticide and insecticide that kills termites, ants, cockroaches, and now bed bugs, through a powerful non-repellent active ingredient. Pests can't even detect Phantom, so they walk right over it and then spread it to other insects hidden behind walls or in their home colony, killing every other pest they come in contact with. Phantom is virtually odorless, clear in color and provides superior pest control with a long-lasting residual
For a complete list of Termite and Pest Control products used by Bell Termite Control Inc. Click Here